Minuteman NHP

North Bridge in Minuteman NHP, Concord, MA.

Earlier today, we decided to randomly drive out of Cambridge and just explore.  It turned out we were heading in the general direction of the Minuteman NHP.  This was an apt way to spend a rainy 4th of July (not the right weather for BBQ) so we took a look around at the North Bridge, site of the “shot heard ’round the world”.


Centennial statue of a farmer in the militia.


Grave of two British soldiers.



Oh Ralph, you poet.

Some facts:

–  The bridge now standing is a restoration of a bridge from 1956, the 5th incarnation since 1775.  The old one was taken down in 1786.

–  The centennial statue was made from melted down Civil War cannons.

–  Yes, the bodies of our mortal enemies are buried beneath the grave marker.  Three Redcoats died at the bridge, two are buried here.

We’re definitely coming back!  There are plenty of sites that we didn’t get the chance to drop by like Hartwell Tavern and the Wayside, home of famous authors like Louisa May Alcott and Nathaniel Hawthorne.  Also, I think Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is nearby too… rad!!!

Happy 4th of July!

arrow-left Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound
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