Jordan Pond House

Jordan Pond and the Bubbles

Jordan Pond and the Bubbles — Park Loop Road in Acadia NP, ME

For our first trip to Acadia, Jordan Pond House was definitely a destination for some light fare after a morning of sightseeing.  JPH is famous for their popovers and afternoon tea (or beverage of your choice), but they have a great menu for lunch and dinner as well.  Though we had already eaten a pack lunch, popovers were a must for our midday snack.  And hell, since we were there and this is a vacation, why not some more lobster roll?!


The lobster was a little tough and chewy here (overcooked or chilled too much?) but the amount of lobster on the roll was decent and the amount of dressing was quite good as well.  Unfortunately, the meaty, lobster-y flavor was overwhelmed by too much dense bread.  I think that bread can make or break of lobster roll.  Perfect lobster meat?  Fantastic!!  But don’t ruin it with too much bread.  Let’s just say, I had to rip off bread pieces first to get my preferred bread to meat ratio.  Without taking off some of the bread, it definitely made the bite a little dry and hard to chew.

Also, I am not a huge fan of greens in my lobster roll and this one had some iceberg lettuce lining the bottom.  No thanks.  The side salad was a nice touch if you’re interested in being healthy (ha).

If you’re concerned about price, I think this roll was on the pricier side ($18??), but not like B&G Oyster pricey (ripoff!).  To be honest, you’re paying for the novelty and the view, which is unparalleled.

Overall, this roll was pretty average and there are probably better meals on the menu.  Skip the lobster roll if you’re only planning on having one on your trip and enjoy the view and the popovers instead!

My suggestion to JPH: POPOVER LOBSTER ROLL.  You’re welcome.

Lobster: 7

Size: 7

Dressing: 8

Bread: 5

Mouthfeel: 7

Greens: Yes

Pickle: No

Overall:  6.5 – Average

Ambience extra credit:  A+

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